My Art Lyfe

Art 1 Final Portfolio

   1.    Which project was your favorite or most successful this semester? Please explain.
The stencil project was by far my favorite project we did this year. It was really fun but it was also challenging at the same time. I have always wanted to learn to use photo shop and this was my first time so I was glad I learned how to. When we were finding and cutting out the pictures from the magazine I was looking for the coolest and weirdest pictures I could find. Finding all these pictures took awhile but in the end I think it was worth it. The easiest part was what thing I was going to spray paint. I got Herby and projected him on the wall and traced him on the paper. Then I used the xacto knife and cut out the places that I wanted to be white when I spray paint it. This was by far my favorite project all year.

   2.    Regardless of whether you liked or disliked a project, which one did you learn, grow, or developed the most from? Please explain.
The landscape painting taught me the most out of all of the projects. I learned a lot from each and every project but I think I learned the most from this one. This was my first painting that we did and I learned a ton from it. I really learned how to blend colors and to paint things how they really are. I don't think I did the best on the water and the reflection of the sunset on the water. I think I did okay on the sunset but it still could have been better. I liked this project but at the same time I didn't really like it. I had fun with it but it was hard and frustrated me at times. I feel I learned the most from this painting.

   3.    Choose 1 piece of Art that you used skills and techniques learned from previous projects. Discuss your growth as an artist and how you incorporated these skills and techniques to create the piece.
The print project was the project that I feel I was the most familiar with. In sixth grade in art class we did a project a lot like this. I had used the tools before so I was comfortable using them again. I definitely did much better on this one than the one from middle school. Doing this again made me better at these than I was. I liked using the tool that we cut the tile with because I could make it how I wanted it to be. We had to draw this first and then copy it onto tracing paper. Then we traced it onto the tile and cut out the lines and spaces that we wanted to be lower and in my case blue. the parts I didn't cut were going to be yellow like the body of my fish.

   4.    Which project do you feel was the least important in learning the concepts taught in this course? Please explain.
The anamorphosis drawing in my opinion was the least important of all the pieces that we did. I don't think I will ever need to use photo shop so I don't really need to know how to use it. It might have helped some with how I view things from different angles though. I didn't do that bad of a job on the piece it's just that I don't think I needed to learn how to do this. I could have done a little better on the shadow but other than that it's not bad. I don't think a artist needs to learn to use photo shop so it wasn't that important to me. I do think I did a good job on the different shades of brown in the coke though. But end the end I don't know why we did this project.
5. Choose a piece or artwork where the subject matter reflects you as an artist. One that you have a personal connection to. Please explain your choice.
The chalk mural was the project that I really had a connection to. I can remember having huge sticks of chalk and coloring my whole drive way with things. This project wasn't very hard and I had a lot of fun doing it. It was a very different project and new to me. I have never seen art like this where you catch people in action in front of your art. I was hoping that we could have caught someone random in front of the book bag and taken a perfect picture but this was still great. It really makes it look like I am wearing the book bag. This project was a lot of fun and was a learning project.

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